Star Shine

Star Shine

Generates a starburst pattern, represented by the core of a star and four light rays originating from the star.

Effect Parameters


Presets contain a snapshot of the plug-in parameters. The Presets control lets you choose among one of the presets built into the plug-in, save current parameter values to a preset file, or load an existing preset file from disk.
A preset file saved to disk via the "Save As" button can be loaded from another instance of the same plug-in by clicking the "Open" button. Presets generated in one host can also be loaded from the same plug-in when used in a different host.


The center of the starburst.


The color of the starburst.


The width of the starburst at its core.


The orientation of the light rays.


The length of the starburst rays in relation to the core.


Controls the visible portions of the starburst.


The overall width of the starburst, including its core and rays.

Square Pixels

Scales the image to its natural display aspect ratio before the effect is applied. This parameter guarantees that geometric features in the effect appear undistorted when the footage is viewed at its display aspect ratio.
This parameter should be enabled for most footage whose display aspect ratio differs from the native aspect ratio of the codec, e.g. NTSC DV frames recorded at 720x480 pixels and displayed at 4:3 (640x480 pixels), or HDV frames recorded at 1440x1080 and displayed at 16:9 (1920x1080 pixels).
Disable this option if you have already taken steps to adjust the frame aspect ratio and/or notice that this parameter is causing unwanted distortion in your footage rather than preventing it.

High-precision Output

This parameter, available only inside Final Cut Pro, controls the color range of the final output. Although you will see no difference in the Canvas window (due to the fact that Final Cut Pro always previews in 8 bit color) high-precision clamping ensures that your output falls within a predictable range. This feature will often save you an extra post-processing step and come in handy when the only previewing device available is the built-in display.

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