Soft crops the frame by fading out pixels at the edge of the frame. It is a simpler alternative to a vignette filter, when you simply need to crop the source media without applying any strong stylizations.
New in this version, you can soften the frame based on an object tracked across the frame.
This plug-in was previously located under the FxFactory Blur category.
Soften Frame is compatible with Final Cut Pro, Motion, Premiere Pro and After Effects.
Presets contain a snapshot of your effect configuration. 4 built-in presets are available.
When you save parameter configuration to a file on disk, this file can later be loaded to recreate the same effect configuration. Presets generated in one video application can be used by the same plug-in running in a different video application.
Working with the Presets MenuThe following options are available:
Set to 20% by default.
Lets you track an object in your video. To learn more about object tracking:
Object TrackerSet to 100% by default.
Enable and control animation progress through a set of parameters.
When the animation is Off, no transition in or out of the effect occurs.
When the effect is set to build in and out by Trimming, the following parameters are displayed:
The Trim slider defines a range where the effect has been fully built. Any time outside this range is spent building the animation in or out. For example, if the Trim range is set between 20% and 80%, the effect builds in from the start of the clip up to 20% of its duration. The effects builds out from 80% to the end of the clip. If the clip were 5 seconds long, the build in and out animations last 1 second each.
When the effect is set to build in and out through a Duration, the following parameters are displayed:
The Build In (secs) and Build Out (secs) give you an exact way to decide how long each animation should last. Should your selection not be applicable to the current clip, a warning will appear in the output. For example, if your clip lasts only 3 seconds, it would be impossible to have the build in and out animations both last 2 seconds each (as the total would be 4 seconds).
When the effect is set to build in and out through Keyframes, a single parameter is displayed:
The Build In (Easing) and Build Out (Easing) parameters let you choose the animation curve when animating by Trimming the clip or by specifying a Duration.
The Progress parameter gives complete control over the animation to you. You will need to keyframe the Progress parameter using features of the video app. Note that there are no easing options when manually animating via keyframes.
This section allows you to limit the effect to specific channels, leaving others unmodified.