Motype 2 is a unique title generator that renders text with trails and particles in 3D space for stunning results.
Motype 2 supports dense paragraphs just as easily as bold, large titles. It lets you restrict aspects of the animation (such as trails and particles) only to specific portions of your text. You can easily define these portions by appling a familar text style, such as underlines or outlines. For example, Motype 2 lets you have particles emitted only by characters with an outline, and trails created only by text you have underlined. Apply animations in 3D and effects to individual characters, words or lines.
All this, and much more, to help you deliver stunning titles at blazing speed. Take advantage of the large number of included presets to discover all the amazing looks made possible by Motype 2.
Motype 2 is compatible with Final Cut Pro, Motion, Premiere Pro and After Effects.
Presets contain a snapshot of your effect configuration. 306 built-in presets are available.
When you save parameter configuration to a file on disk, this file can later be loaded to recreate the same effect configuration. Presets generated in one video application can be used by the same plug-in running in a different video application.
Working with the Presets BrowserLets you edit stylized text used by the effect. Set to the following by default:
⮐ motype.2 ⮐ — ⮐ Motion Titles accelerated by Metal
Click the
button to modify the text through a separate window.Text Editing WindowThis parameter does not support inline images. When importing existing styled text files, inline images are omitted.
The following options are available:
The following options are available:
When enabled, any text that has been assigned an outline in the Text Editor is drawn as if no outline had been applied.
This option effectively asks the plugin to ignore the outline as a style. This allows the outline to take on a different meaning.
Any outlined text may instead be used to drive features in the Motion Mixer, Trails and Particles groups.
Certain features can be enabled only for text that has been outlined. Another use of this setting is to allow rendering trails or particles as character outlines, while keeping the original text filled.
The following options are available:
The following options are available:
The following options are available:
The following options are available:
Removes any indentation added to lines in the Text Editor. This forces all lines to be aligned left.
Note that this option also removes the typographic indentation of the first glyph for each line.
The following options are available:
The following options are available:
The following options are available:
The following options are available:
Parameters in this group let you animate characters without keyframes. Animation paths are defined by mixing geometric transformations in 3D over time.
Motion paths define the trajectory and orientation of text, as well as their trails when the Motion Painting or Motion Blur options are enabled under the Trails group. Motion paths can be previewed at any time by enabling the Show Motion Paths option.
Motype lets you restrict transformations to specific characters, words or lines in your text. You can assign a style in the text editor, such as underline, and restrict a given transformation to underlined text only. The underline (or outline) style isn’t actually rendered in the final output. This allows you build complex animations by changing text attributes through a familiar text editing UI.
Note that the Opacity Fade parameter always applies to all text.
Note that the Trails group provides a Text Crossfade parameter which also affects the opacity of each character.
The following options are available:
The following options are available:
Set to 0 by default.
The slider is limited to values between -1 and 1 but you can type values between -∞ and +∞ by clicking on the current value in the inspector.
Set to 0 by default.
The slider is limited to values between -5 and 5 but you can type values between -∞ and +∞ by clicking on the current value in the inspector.
The following options are available:
The following options are available:
The following options are available:
The following options are available:
The following options are available:
Set to 100% by default.
Parameters in this group let you configure the appearance of trails, as well as decide which portions of your text will create a trail.
Characters are extruded along motion paths to create different styles. Trails can be produced via Motion Blur or Motion Painting techniques, with several rendering options that transform the results into light trails, curved long shadows and more.
You can inject fractal noise into trails to perturb their shape and create flowing text effects or snake-like motion paths. Trail colors are fully customizable: they may originate from colors assigned in the text editor, they may be assigned random hues or gradients along their path. As trail opacity may vary over time, enable the Show Motion Paths parameter under the Motion Mixer group to preview trail paths. Doing so will help you better visualize and customize trail animations.
The following options are available:
The following options are available:
The following options are available:
The following options are available:
The following options are available:
The following options are available:
The following options are available:
The following options are available:
The following options are available:
The following options are available:
The following options are available:
Off by default.
The following options are available:
The following options are available:
The following options are available:
The following options are available:
Set to 0 by default.
The slider is limited to values between 0 and 1 but you can type values between -∞ and +∞ by clicking on the current value in the inspector.
Set to 0% by default.
The following options are available:
Lets you edit stylized text used by the effect. Set to the following by default:
Click the
button to modify the text through a separate window.Text Editing WindowThis parameter does not support inline images. When importing existing styled text files, inline images are omitted.
The following options are available:
The following options are available:
Set to 100% by default.
The following options are available:
The following options are available:
The following options are available:
The following options are available: