Perspective Reflection

Repositions your video in 3D according to a perspective projection, generating a customizable reflection of the image over a glass surface.


Perspective Reflection is compatible with Final Cut Pro, Motion, Premiere Pro and After Effects.



Presets contain a snapshot of your effect configuration. 18 built-in presets are available.

When you save parameter configuration to a file on disk, this file can later be loaded to recreate the same effect configuration. Presets generated in one video application can be used by the same plug-in running in a different video application.

Working with the Presets Menu

Perspective Reflection


Location within the frame where the fully scaled and rotated clip is rendered, as the build in phase is complete.


Determines the rotation angle relative to the current Axis, defined by its corresponding parameter. When the Axis parameter is at 90˚, the Yaw angle corresponds to a rotation around the Y axis:


Determines the rotation angle relative to the viewer:


Defines the axis, in 3D, that affects the Yaw and Tilt angles. At its default value of 90˚, Axis implies that Yaw causes a rotation about the Y axis, and Tilt causes a rotation relative to the viewer.


Determines the size of the clip, as rotated and projected in 3D.

Rounded Corners

Applies rounded corners to the original clip and/or its border, when present.

Distance to Surface

Determines the distance from the clip to the simulated 3D surface upon which it normally rests.


Determines how certain color transformations are computed by this plugin. On Default blending, gradients, borders and effects are applied in the conventional RGB color space. When selecting Perceptual, colors are interpolated in Oklab, a color space that favors smoother transitions between colors.


Border Width

Controls the width of the optional border applied to the source clip.

Border Color

Controls the color of the optional border applied to the source clip.

Border Margin

Controls the distance between the optional border and the edges of the clip.


Top Opacity

Controls the opacity of the reflection in the area closer to the source. When both this parameter and Bottom Opacity are set to 0%, the reflection is invisible.

Bottom Opacity

Controls the opacity of the reflection in the area further away from the source.

Reflection Color

A color that may be used to lighten, darken or colorize the reflection. When Reflection Color is white, the original pixels are reflected at their original intensity.

Blur Top

Controls the amount of depth blurring applied to the pixels in the reflection that are closest to the source.

Blur Bottom

Controls the amount of depth blurring applied to the pixels in the reflection that are furthest from the source.

Ambient Attenuation

Controls whether the overall brightness of the image changes as it points away from the viewer. Colors in the image are shifted towards the color specified by Ambient Color. No shifting occurs when Ambient Attenuation is set to 0%.

Distance to Horizon

Controls the parameters used by the projection in 3D space of your source media. A shorter distance to the horizon implies a more dramatic distortion.

Horizon Height

Controls the location of the simulated horizon, relative to the frame. At its default value, the horizon sits exactly halfway up the frame.


Parameters in this group allow you to enable and customize a linear gradient behind the effect. This feature is provided for backward compatibility when migrating from older versions of the Perspective Reflection plugin. For more diverse backgrounds, please refer to the dedicated generators included with FxFactory Pro.

Gradient Adaptive Color

Shifts gradient colors towards the overall tone of your video clip. This process is dynamic, allowing you to create a stronger visual bond between the projected image and its background.

Original gradient (left) and with adaptive colors (right)

Original gradient (left) and with adaptive colors (right)

Build In/Out

Build In/Out

Enable and control animation progress through a set of parameters.

When the animation is Off, no transition in or out of the effect occurs.

When the effect is set to build in and out by Trimming, the following parameters are displayed:

The Trim slider defines a range where the effect has been fully built. Any time outside this range is spent building the animation in or out. For example, if the Trim range is set between 20% and 80%, the effect builds in from the start of the clip up to 20% of its duration. The effects builds out from 80% to the end of the clip. If the clip were 5 seconds long, the build in and out animations last 1 second each.

When the effect is set to build in and out through a Duration, the following parameters are displayed:

The Build In (secs) and Build Out (secs) give you an exact way to decide how long each animation should last. Should your selection not be applicable to the current clip, a warning will appear in the output. For example, if your clip lasts only 3 seconds, it would be impossible to have the build in and out animations both last 2 seconds each (as the total would be 4 seconds).

When the effect is set to build in and out through Keyframes, a single parameter is displayed:

The Build In (Easing) and Build Out (Easing) parameters let you choose the animation curve when animating by Trimming the clip or by specifying a Duration.

The Progress parameter gives complete control over the animation to you. You will need to keyframe the Progress parameter using features of the video app. Note that there are no easing options when manually animating via keyframes.

Build In (Yaw)

When the animation is set to build in, this parameter allows you to automatically spin the clip around its Yaw angle in clockwise or counter-clockwise direction, a number of times determined by the Spin Count (Yaw) parameter.

Build Out (Yaw)

When the animation is set to build out, this parameter allows you to automatically spin the clip around its Yaw angle in clockwise or counter-clockwise direction, a number of times determined by the Spin Count (Yaw) parameter.

Spin Count (Yaw)

Determines how many times the clip spins around its Yaw angle when Build In (Yaw) or Build Out (Yaw) are set.

Build In (Tilt)

When the animation is set to build in, this parameter allows you to automatically spin the clip around its Tilt angle in clockwise or counter-clockwise direction, a number of times determined by the Spin Count (Tilt) parameter.

Build Out (Tilt)

When the animation is set to build out, this parameter allows you to automatically spin the clip around its Tilt angle in clockwise or counter-clockwise direction, a number of times determined by the Spin Count (Tilt) parameter.

Spin Count (Tilt)

Determines how many times the clip spins around its Tilt angle when Build In (Tilt) or Build Out (Tilt) are set.



Turn on to animate the Scale parameter.

  • Off: the parameter should not be automatically animated by this plugin. Its corresponding Animation group remains hidden.
  • On: the parameter should be animated at all times, according to the options specified by its Animation group.
  • On while building in: the parameter is animated only during its build in phase.
  • On while building out: the parameter is animated only during its build out phase.
  • On while building in or out: the parameter is animated during both build phases.

Scale Animation


Turn on to animate the Yaw angle.

  • Off: the parameter should not be automatically animated by this plugin. Its corresponding Animation group remains hidden.
  • On: the parameter should be animated at all times, according to the options specified by its Animation group.
  • On while building in: the parameter is animated only during its build in phase.
  • On while building out: the parameter is animated only during its build out phase.
  • On while building in or out: the parameter is animated during both build phases.

Yaw Animation


Turn on to animate the Tilt angle.

  • Off: the parameter should not be automatically animated by this plugin. Its corresponding Animation group remains hidden.
  • On: the parameter should be animated at all times, according to the options specified by its Animation group.
  • On while building in: the parameter is animated only during its build in phase.
  • On while building out: the parameter is animated only during its build out phase.
  • On while building in or out: the parameter is animated during both build phases.

Tilt Animation


Turn on to animate the Axis angle.

  • Off: the parameter should not be automatically animated by this plugin. Its corresponding Animation group remains hidden.
  • On: the parameter should be animated at all times, according to the options specified by its Animation group.
  • On while building in: the parameter is animated only during its build in phase.
  • On while building out: the parameter is animated only during its build out phase.
  • On while building in or out: the parameter is animated during both build phases.

Axis Animation

Distance to Surface

Turn on to animate the Distance to Surface parameter.

  • Off: the parameter should not be automatically animated by this plugin. Its corresponding Animation group remains hidden.
  • On: the parameter should be animated at all times, according to the options specified by its Animation group.
  • On while building in: the parameter is animated only during its build in phase.
  • On while building out: the parameter is animated only during its build out phase.
  • On while building in or out: the parameter is animated during both build phases.

Distance to Surface Animation

Border Width

Turn on to animate the Border Width parameter.

  • Off: the parameter should not be automatically animated by this plugin. Its corresponding Animation group remains hidden.
  • On: the parameter should be animated at all times, according to the options specified by its Animation group.
  • On while building in: the parameter is animated only during its build in phase.
  • On while building out: the parameter is animated only during its build out phase.
  • On while building in or out: the parameter is animated during both build phases.

Border Width Animation

Border Color

Turn on to animate the Border Color parameter.

  • Off: the parameter should not be automatically animated by this plugin. Its corresponding Animation group remains hidden.
  • On: the parameter should be animated at all times, according to the options specified by its Animation group.
  • On while building in: the parameter is animated only during its build in phase.
  • On while building out: the parameter is animated only during its build out phase.
  • On while building in or out: the parameter is animated during both build phases.

Border Color Animation

Border Margin

Turn on to animate the Border Margin parameter.

  • Off: the parameter should not be automatically animated by this plugin. Its corresponding Animation group remains hidden.
  • On: the parameter should be animated at all times, according to the options specified by its Animation group.
  • On while building in: the parameter is animated only during its build in phase.
  • On while building out: the parameter is animated only during its build out phase.
  • On while building in or out: the parameter is animated during both build phases.

Border Margin Animation

Reflection Color

Turn on to animate the Reflection Color parameter.

  • Off: the parameter should not be automatically animated by this plugin. Its corresponding Animation group remains hidden.
  • On: the parameter should be animated at all times, according to the options specified by its Animation group.
  • On while building in: the parameter is animated only during its build in phase.
  • On while building out: the parameter is animated only during its build out phase.
  • On while building in or out: the parameter is animated during both build phases.

Reflection Color Animation


A number that controls random aspects of the effect.

Click the New button to assign a new seed value. When the seed value is changed, the effect uses a different random sequence to produce a different output.

Motion Blur

Motion Blur

Enables motion blur at different quality settings. The higher the quality, the more samples are used. Multiple samples are blended together to produce a single frame of output.

Multiple samples are combined to produce a single output frame with motion blur

Shutter Angle and Offset

The Shutter Angle slider controls the size (aperture) of the shutter used to simulate motion blur. The size of the shutter determines how long light is allowed to pass through the lens. The angle is set to 180° by default. A shutter angle of 360° means that samples are collected for the entire duration of the frame.
Setting a value of zero means that you want the shutter to collect light only once, which is equivalent to turning motion blur off.

The Shutter Offset slider controls the moment in time when the shutter opens and closes, relative to the duration of the frame. The offset is set to 0 by default. An offset of zero means the shutter is perfectly centered over the moment in time when the frame occurs. The shutter is therefore open an equal amount of time before and after the current frame occurs.

The Shutter Angle and Shutter Offset parameters are only available when motion blur is enabled.