Key Features

Preserve midtone detail: When you think of beautiful black and white images that you have seen, more likely than not you are thinking of the midtones. This is where skintones and a well-lit subject will fall. In the absence of color, texture becomes the storyteller. Better Black and White applies a contrast curve that brings out this midtone detail in a satisfying way.

Built from 35mm black and white film: What makes black and white beautiful? It's film - the unique contrast properties of different physical film emulsions, and how they are developed and timed. Better Black and white is built from a painstaking recreation of black and white 35mm motion picture film. That's why it looks so good.

Better than a simple desaturation: To get black and white, don't you simply desaturate your video, and maybe add some contrast? If your goal is to recreate security camera footage from a convenience store, maybe. But to create a truly beautiful black and white image, you need the contrast curve of 35mm film.

That's what makes Better Black and White better.

Version History

The latest version of Better Black and White for Intel processors can only be installed via FxFactory. Should you need to install any prior version of Better Black and White, please contact tech support.
Better Black and White 1.1.0
Better Black and White 0.9.0

Please note that this product will not work unless FxFactory is installed on the system.