What’s NewRecommendedFreebiesAudioCalloutsCaptioning and SubtitlesColor CorrectionTitlingTransitions3DPhoto AnimationKeyingFace and Object TrackingLight LeaksLower ThirdsLens Effects and FlaresSplitscreen and PiPOverlaysParticle-basedDistortionsStylizationGlows360VRThemesRepairAnimatorsConversionBackgroundsSocial MediaData VisualizationPresentations
Free adjustment layers for Final Cut Pro
Create photo animations in the style made popular by Ken Burns
Free static title and title roll/crawl generators
Create the look of the opening titles from the original Star Wars
Change text and color, everything else is automatic!
Random text generator
Promote your product or service through animated templates
Basic border maker
Basic thumbnail maker
Supercharged 3D title animations
Simple-to-use picture-in-picture effect
Animated laser beam
2-point lightsaber creator
Wipes inspired by Star Wars
Easy adjustments in 3D space for your 2D content
Stretch footage to fit a standard 16:9 frame
Add a neutral density graduated filter to your clips
Apply effects only to the part of the image that need it
Display a variety of safe area overlays
Swish dissolve and swish pan transitions
Visual effects toolbox with unmatched features
Slideshows in wide gamut HDR with AI-assisted pan and zoom
Bring videos to life with white balance, temperature and tint adjustments
Quickly and easily lift subjects from the video background
Glows, light spills and distortions for titles and video
Wipe transitions with advanced effects, titles and object animations
Foundational shapes and effects for creative, animated results
Simple screen annotations in Final Cut Pro
Easy to use, animated lines and arrow callouts
Create photo animations in the style made popular by Ken Burns
Create stunning title animations with trails and particles
Combine text, graphics and images in stunning 3D animations
Pixel texturing and ASCII effects
Create stunning animated 3D shapes and backgrounds
Combine animation and effects to create beautiful transitions
Bluescreen and greenscreen keyer
Isolate people from backgrounds
Animate without keyframes
Restore any speech recording to studio-like clarity
Vintage film effects, viewfinders, VHS, Super 8mm, etc
Transitions that imitate camera movement
Splitscreens, PiPs, solo shots by tracking people and objects
Over a thousand hand-drawn and animated whiteboard sketches!
Slideshows in wide gamut HDR with AI-assisted pan and zoom
Bring videos to life with white balance, temperature and tint adjustments
Quickly and easily lift subjects from the video background
Create stunning title animations with trails and particles
Create sequences with the look and feel of a real scrapbook
Pop-up windows and animations that highlight key information
Bluescreen and greenscreen keyer
Isolate people from backgrounds
Rotoscoping with automatic object detection and tracking
Restore any speech recording to studio-like clarity
AI-assisted cinematic blur effects
Gradient-based effects, titles and backgrounds
Simplified multiclip editing with essential layout tools
Animated fretboards to illustrate scales, chords and musical phrases
The App Store for Video Creators
FxFactory lets you browse, install and purchase effects and plugins from a huge catalog for Final Cut Pro, Motion, Premiere Pro and After Effects.
Play Before you Pay
Free trials are available for most products, letting you buy only the stuff you need. Did we mention free plugins?
Simple by Design
Installing products or setting up a new system has never been easier. FxFactory remembers your configuration and purchase history so you don’t have to.
Free Tutorials
Our products will make your job easier and faster. Discover our catalog through hundreds of freely accessible video tutorials.