Premiere Pro News

Magic Transitions for Final Cut Pro, Premiere Pro, After Effects, Motion

FxFactory Pro 6.0.1 for Final Cut Pro, Motion, Premiere Pro and After Effects

Powering Up FxFactory Pro 6

FxFactory Pro 6 for Final Cut Pro, Motion, Premiere Pro and After Effects

Fresh Face for Final Cut Pro, Motion, Premiere Pro and After Effects

Smart Blur for Final Cut Pro, Premiere Pro, After Effects, Motion

Drip for Final Cut Pro, Premiere Pro, After Effects, Motion

Background Remover 1.0.2 for Final Cut Pro, Premiere Pro, After Effects, Motion

Keyper 2.1 for Final Cut Pro, Premiere Pro, After Effects, Motion

Caption Burner 2 for Final Cut Pro, Premiere Pro, After Effects, Motion

Auto Balancer for Final Cut Pro, Premiere Pro, After Effects, Motion

Background Remover for Final Cut Pro, Premiere Pro, After Effects, Motion

AutoBlur for Final Cut Pro, Premiere Pro, After Effects, Motion

Keyper 2 for Final Cut Pro, Premiere Pro, After Effects, Motion

Motype 2.1 for Final Cut Pro, Premiere Pro, After Effects, Motion

Makeup Artist 3.5 for Final Cut Pro, Premiere Pro, After Effects, Motion

dxRevive: Restore Speech Recordings to Studio-like Quality

Layouts for Final Cut Pro, Motion, Premiere Pro and After Effects

Essential LUTs for Final Cut Pro, Motion, Premiere Pro and After Effects

Dialogue Enhance: Improve Any Speech Recordings

DeRoom: Say Goodbye to Room Echo and Reverb

Smart LUTs for Final Cut Pro, Motion, Premiere Pro and After Effects

Hawaiki Keyer 5 for Final Cut Pro, Premiere Pro, After Effects, Motion

Hawaiki AutoFix for Final Cut Pro, Premiere Pro, After Effects and Motion

Lines 2 for Final Cut Pro, Premiere Pro, After Effects and Motion

Photo Montage 3 for Final Cut Pro, Premiere Pro, After Effects, Motion

Keyper for Final Cut Pro, Premiere Pro, After Effects, Motion

Reverse Corner Pin for Final Cut Pro, Premiere Pro, After Effects and Motion

Eric Jordan delivers more stunning results on ROAM: Rider of Another Mortal

Yanobox Storm for Final Cut Pro, Premiere Pro, After Effects and Motion

Modern Dance Video with Mosaic in After Effects

Creating a Cyberspace Universe with Nodes

Motype 1.5 for Final Cut Pro, Premiere Pro, After Effects and Motion

Eric Jordan: Beyond Limits with Nodes

The Glow Reinvented.

LUT Mixer for FCP X, Premiere Pro and After Effects
LUT Mixer is a color grading plugin for FCPX, Premiere Pro & AE that lets you combine and apply multiple LUTs with automatic skin tone protection and no loss in quality.

Better Black and White for FCP X and Premiere Pro
Better Black and White is a plugin for creating rich black and white images using film emulation – right inside Final Cut Pro and Premiere Pro.

Color Cone - Precise Color Correction for FCPX, Premiere Pro and AE
Color Cone offers precise color correction for Final Cut Pro, Premiere Pro and After Effects that allows for smooth results that leave highlights and shadows intact.

Light Show Effects for FCPX, Premiere Pro, AE & Motion

Warping Wheels - Color Wheels for FCPX, Premiere Pro and AE with Skin Tone Protection

Hedge Backup 19.1 Update - Queueing Transfers

Hedge Backup Software for Filmmakers
This is quite simply the best backup software for filmmakers.

Eric Jordan on the VFX of People's Republic of Desire
We caught up with Eric Jordan, author of graphics, animations and visual effects for the award winning documentary People's Republic of Desire and asked him about what went into creating the motion graphics of the film and how the After Effects plugin Yanobox Nodes was utilized in the process.

Keyframes Conference Teaser - Tutorial using AE & Nodes

BrightPhoton brings AI to life with Nodes 3 in After Effects

Inspirational Work with Nodes by Steve Richey

Rebel Plans - Star Wars Stop Motion Music Video

Trovicor – FUI Screen Graphics with Yanobox Nodes

Light Leaks plugin used in The Walking Dead

Brilliant Sci-Fi with Renato Marques

FUI Screen Graphics with Yanobox Nodes

Nodes Sets the Tone for Twitter Keynote
Mat Hale from imag8nineteen was kind enough to share his thoughts on Yanobox Nodes and how the plugin was used on their latest project, the visuals for the Twitter Flight 2015 Developer Conference Keynote.

Network Visualizations Come to Life with Nodes

Inspirational Work with Nodes: Sciences Po

The Deep Web Explained by Keanu Reeves

Falcon Jet Promo Comes to Life with Nodes

National Museum Video comes to Life with Nodes

Nodes used in Transformers: Age of Extinction

Sci-Fi UI Created with Nodes in After Effects

Yanobox Nodes used in Earth to Echo

Nodes Plugin used on Ender's Game

Jayse Hansen on User Interface Design for Hollywood Motion Pictures

Yanobox Nodes in The Avengers
Jayse Hansen, freelance 3D VFX and screen designer/animator, turned to Yanobox Nodes for his work on The Avengers. Nodes offers editors and Motion graphics artists a unique tool to combine text, images and graphics into beautiful 3D animations.