Falcon Jet Promo Comes to Life with Nodes

The award winning motion designer Pierre Magnol (aka Bright Photon) was kind enough to share his thoughts on Yanobox Nodes and its use on his latest project, a promotional video for the Falcon 8X from Dassault Aviation.
Please tell us about the project’s goals and motivations.
The aim of the project was to present the new Falcon jet. We focused on projecting the fact that the jet has advanced technology and was designed with performance in mind. Nodes was used to represent advanced data animations over the satellite imagery and the Falcon.
How did you get involved in this cool project? How long did it take?
This project came to me through my regular agency. The particular challenge with this project was that I only had a total of three weeks from start to delivery.
What tools / workflow did you use?
I worked on this project by myself and used CINEMA 4D, Adobe After Effects, Premiere Pro, Photoshop and of course Yanobox Nodes. I started in CINEMA 4D and then moved to AE (there was no back and forth, this is not always the case :). All 2d elements were made in Photoshop and then also imported into AE. Once inside After Effects the data animations were added using the Yanobox Nodes plugin.
What shots did you use Yanobox Nodes for?
I used Nodes for almost all of the shots in this project.. it was my main graphic "argument." My aim was to add a lot of technical design elements in all shots through the use of it.

Have you used Nodes in other projects and can you share some examples?
Sure, I have used Nodes on other projects. Nodes is very intuitive, fully customizable, fast and reliable. It is easy to generate attractive "accidents" and strangely beautiful interfaces. Unfortunately I can't share any other projects at this time because they are still in production.
What kind of connection do you maintain with plugin developers - why is this important.
I consider communication with software developers extremely important because thanks to them, we have the opportunity to see our dreams come true, they build the tools we need… without them almost everything would be impossible. I have spoken at length with Jean Marc Noel, the chief developer of Nodes about the product, its features and capabilities. Jean Marc is passionate about graphical representation of data and we discussed the future of Nodes and where we would like it to go further, it is a fabulous plug-in.
Please tell us about your favorite projects & your biggest success stories.
My three favorite projects are the following:
Bright Photon is Pierre Magnol

Pierre started his career in 1998 as a video and film editor for Le Groupe Canal + before moving on to the wonderful world of graphic design for several broadcast channels and luxury brands.
Macro photography and beautiful lighting are two constants throughout much of his work, as Pierre constantly strives to bring a unique perspective to each and every piece, whether it be live photography, computer graphics, or hand crafted images.
“How to light a scene, subject or even character is very important because what is revealed is as important as what it is not…. Every single product or person is the source of a precious history that deserves to be illuminated.”
You can find Pierre online here: Website - X - Vimeo