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EchoRemover AI

Remove echo from your videos and podcasts
This product is no longer available.
EchoRemover AI by CrumplePop is a plugin that uses AI to remove echo from your audio – right inside FCP, Premiere Pro, Logic Pro, Garageband, Audition, and DaVinci Resolve.
  • Automatically remove audio echo and reverb
  • Rescue interviews, dialogue, and vocals that would be unusable
  • Easy: just drag and drop

Keep Echo From Wrecking Your Video or Podcast

Reverb is distracting and creates distance between the speaker and the audience. If your audio was recorded in a space with room echo, it can make your entire video or podcast sound unprofessional. EchoRemover AI by CrumplePop automatically removes room echo from your audio, leaving the voice sounding clear and natural.

Rescue Audio Recorded at Home

Was your audio recorded in a home office that sounds hollow? Unfortunately, even a nice microphone can't fix this problem. EchoRemover AI can quickly and easily rescue this audio. Just drag and drop EchoRemover AI onto your audio and the room echo is removed.

What's new in EchoRemover AI

EchoRemover AI has been rebuilt from the ground up and now uses AI to identify and remove room echo. This approach allows EchoRemover AI to remove more reverb while keeping the voice sounding clear and natural. We invite you to try it out to hear it for yourself. There's nothing else like it.

The latest version runs natively on Macs with Apple silicon. Please restart your Mac to take advantage of improved performance on M1 Macs after upgrading from previous versions.

Version History

The latest version of EchoRemover AI for Apple and Intel processors can only be installed via FxFactory. Should you need to install any prior version of EchoRemover AI, please contact tech support.
EchoRemover AI 1.0.1

Requires macOS 11.5.1, restart your Mac to enable native support for Apple silicon

EchoRemover AI 1.0

Please note that this product will not work unless FxFactory is installed on the system.