Easily add subtle facial beauty effects to human faces
Works in
Final Cut Pro

How do I install
Focus Point?

Focus Point for Apple and Intel processors is available via FxFactory, our app store for visual effects, audio plugins and apps:
If FxFactory is already on your system, or once you have completed the installation, click the button below to download and install Focus Point:
More visual effect plugins by Kingluma
Glitches effects and transitions
High energy transitions for Final Cut Pro
A better film grain for Final Cut Pro
Glows, flares, light leaks and more
Hypnotic, halftone style graphic looks for Final Cut Pro
Version History
The latest version of Focus Point for Apple and Intel processors can only be installed via FxFactory.
Should you need to install any prior version of Focus Point, please contact tech support.
Focus Point 1.0.1
Required for Macs with Apple M1 processor and Final Cut Pro 10.5.3
Focus Point 1.0
Please note that this product will not work unless FxFactory is installed on the system.