Key Features
- Built for media: Offload media lightning fast, whether it's video, stills or audio. Make your life easy and let Hedge do the tedious jobs.
- Peace of mind: When creating multiple backups takes no longer than just one, you can finally sleep well — no more late night hotel room backup sessions.
- Superfast transfers: As files get bigger and bigger, old copy-verify methods just aren’t cutting it. Hedge’s Fast Lane engine is purposely built for speed.
- Simultaneous backups: Create as many copies as you need, at the same time. Hedge transfers multiple sources to all destinations, fully utilizing your bandwidth.
- Keep track of everything: Keep complete track of what goes where, when and how with Transfer Logs. MHLs allow you to re-verify backups later, with Checkpoint.
- Flexible at its core: Hedge is just as comfortable with NAS, SAN and RAID as it is with USB or Thunderbolt disks. Copy to and fro, or even within drives.
- Expand your workflow: Have Hedge auto launch your AppleScripts to process footage with third party apps. Check out how-to and examples on GitHub.
What's new in Hedge 19.1?
Hedge now has two ways to control if and when transfers will run together: Single Source & Single Transfer.
Single Source
Imagine you have three media cards to back up, and the only thing that matters is to get one back to the camera as soon as you can. It doesn’t matter if the total time to offload all drives will go up — only one source needs to be done, ASAP. Enter Single Source:

Single Source prioritizes sources based on when they’re connected: first in, first out.

Many teams nowadays use a NAS or SAN to be able to work simultaneously from a single network drive. Copying data to a drive while also streaming video files back to the NLE, can seriously affect the overall performance.

For instance, when consolidating a lot of projects on different drives to a single network destination, the bottleneck will soon become the network cable. With Single Track, you can limit how much data flows to or from your network share by only allowing a single transfer to run:

Single Track is instrumental when you need to migrate lots of independent folders or collections from a single volume to another. Changing the Queuing settings affects new transfers, not existing ones.
RAW Speed
One very practical example of how useful Queuing can be, is to consider offloading ARRIRAW to two drives. Even when you have two seemingly identical drives, their speeds will differ slightly. Fast Lane used to prefer the fastest destination, and as such the slower one would fall behind a bit, causing some files to require a second read. With Hedge’s new copy engine, these drives will copy synchronously — significantly improving the overall speed.
Checkpoint 2.0
Besides the new Queuing options, we have made significant improvements to Checkpoint, Hedge’s source verification engine. Checkpoint sniffs out issues with hardware and peripherals that usually go undetected by checksum verification. Hedge 19.1 speeds up Checkpoint in multiple ways:
When transferring a source to multiple destinations with Checkpoint enabled, Checkpoint now does a single preread that can be utilized by all transfers. The more destinations you have, the more speed gain you get (1/amount of destinations, to be precise).
Version History
Hedge 22.2.0
Hedge 21.3.1
Codex Device Manager 6.0 is required on macOS 10.15 or later
Hedge 21.3.0
Hedge 20.4.8
Hedge 20.4.1
Hedge 20.4.0
Hedge 20.3.3
First version compatible with macOS 11 Big Sur
Hedge 20.3.1
Hedge 20.3.0
Hedge 20.2.6
Hedge 20.2.2
Hedge 20.2.0
Hedge 19.4.2
Hedge 18.3.7
Please note that this product will not work unless FxFactory is installed on the system.