XEffects 3D Transitions are 39 plugins for Final Cut Pro all built in 3D space with camera moves, variable focal lengths, shallow depth of field, lighting and reflections.
Gorgeous glossy transitions all animating with 3D depth that make other effects look rather flat. We say 39 effects, but if we broke the presets down individually, there would be well over 130 different different transitions in the pack!
By harnessing the power of Motion, we have been able to construct all the effects in a 3D environment and thus bring the camera controls and more to the editor. A page turn now looks like a realistic page turn. All are UHD ready.
Variable focal length allows the control of the 3D depth of the effect. Adjustable depth of field gives the user a choice of defocusing near and far edges or keeping everything pin sharp.
Directional lighting adds to the photo realism of the transitions as do fully adjustable reflections.
10 new effects added in this new version 2 update - free for all existing customers who have bought XEffects 3D Transitions. Sample FCP project included so you can see how we made the promo video.
How do I install
XEffects 3D Transitions?

XEffects 3D Transitions for Apple and Intel processors is available via FxFactory, our app store for visual effects, audio plugins and apps:
If FxFactory is already on your system, or once you have completed the installation, click the button below to download and install XEffects 3D Transitions:
More visual effect plugins by idustrial revolution
Version History
XEffects 3D Transitions 2.0
XEffects 3D Transitions 1.2.0
XEffects 3D Transitions 1.1.1
Please note that this product will not work unless FxFactory is installed on the system.