The missing piece between Final Cut Pro and Motion: Xsend Motion from Automatic Duck.
Xsend Motion converts your Final Cut Pro timeline into a Motion project in just seconds, translating Transforms like Position and Scale, Opacity and blending modes, titles and the Custom LUT effect as well.
A new Motion project is created referencing the same media files used by Final Cut Pro, no new media is created. You can easily adjust your footage in Motion, everything is live and not baked-in.
You can send an entire project from FCP to Motion, or you can export the contents of a compound clip to XML and translate that into Motion. Your Motion work can be exported back to FCP as a QuickTime movie or published as a Generator. Any time you have a clip or set of clips in FCPX that want to use in Motion, Xsend Motion is the tool you need to send those projects across.
How do I install
Xsend Motion?

Xsend Motion for Apple and Intel processors is available via FxFactory, our app store for visual effects, audio plugins and apps:
If FxFactory is already on your system, or once you have completed the installation, click the button below to download and install Xsend Motion:
More project migration and conversion tools by Automatic Duck
Version History
Xsend Motion 1.2.2
Xsend Motion 1.2.1
Xsend Motion 1.2.0
Xsend Motion 1.0.10
Xsend Motion 1.0.7
Xsend Motion 1.0.6
Xsend Motion 1.0.5
Xsend Motion 1.0.4
Xsend Motion 1.0.3
Xsend Motion 1.0.2
Xsend Motion 1.0.1
Xsend Motion 1.0
Please note that this product will not work unless FxFactory is installed on the system.