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FxFactory Pro

New in FxFactory Pro 6.0.2
A new version of FxFactory Pro means new plugins, features and a few bug fixes. Learn all the details below.
Camera Shake
Add some authentic, rough treatment to your action shots with camera movements that simulate a camera attached to a moving person, object or vehicle. If you ever wondered what the world felt before image stabilization, this is your plugin.
There’s a video tutorial for Final Cut Pro users:
...and one for Premiere Pro users:
What’s changed since the (very) old version?
Camera Shake enjoys the same advanced masking abilities you may have spotted in our newest plugins. Automatic face detection, object tracking and AI-assisted person contour detection allow you to create original looks with minimal effort. To learn more, we recommend the Source and Mask tutorials listed here.
A brand new Channel Mixer allows Camera Shake to simulate a different class of chromatic aberrations, beyond what’s possible in other plugins.

Perspective Reflection
This vintage effect has been dragged to the XXI century with more realistic reflections and depth blurring. The biggest improvement comes from extensive animation controls.
Perspective Reflection complements the familiar Build In/Out controls with parameters whose animation can be limited to just the build in/out phases:

For a brief introduction, watch our video tutorial in Final Cut Pro:
...or the one we made in Premiere Pro:
Channel Geometry
The new version replaces both its older namesake and the Chromatic Aberration plugin, with far more features than either its predecessors.
It is very hard to imagine how a plugin that manipulates channels could ever be interesting, but through extensive animation controls and support for HSB, CMYK, YUV and Oklab color spaces, we took this effect to its wildest possible limits:

With the help of our Source and Mask controls, Channel Geometry is a small powerhouse. Browse the 25+ presets (especially Vignettes) for inspiration.
More Distortions
A few more of our classic distortion filters have gotten a complete face lift in this release:
- Genie: an old favorite that deserves more than a one line introduction, and we’re working on a dedicated video tutorial to talk about what’s new in this release.
- Mask With Geometry: a plugin that allows you to copy or extract the alpha channel from a secondary clip, and apply it to the effect clip.
- Circular Wrap, Glass Lozenge, Hole, Pinch, Torus Lens and Vortex: classic distortions from digital video prehistory, now with advanced masking, animation controls and channel mixing.
More Confidence in Face Detection
You will notice a new Confidence parameter below existing controls for Face Detection:

Previously, any FxFactory Pro 6 plugin that relied on Face Detection would apply the effect to just about anything the AI model had identified as a face. This could be problematic for clips where some false positives would be included in the final mask.
Beginning with this version, only faces detected with at least 80% confidence are included. The Confidence parameter gives you complete control over this behavior. Set the parameter to 0% to allow any face detected in your clip to be included in the mask, no matter how improbable. Set it to 80% or above to filter out false positives.

If you had previously analyzed a clip where a human face was present and detectable in some frames but not others, you were probably wondering why the effect would default to being applied everywhere on frames with no face present. This behavior was both unexpected and a serious obstacle to applying an effect any time a face would pop in and out of the frame. Beginning with this version, this problem has been fixed. The effect will simply skip any frames where a face was not detected.
Frame Margin is Back
To the joy of our Motion and After Effects users, we have brought back the Frame Margin parameter to the Blur and Glow plugins. Frame Margin expands the input layer, allowing any pixels that bleed outward from the original media to remain visible:

Without this margin, it is common for the output of a blur or glow to be limited to the existing boundaries of the video frame.
For those curious as to why this feature is only available in Motion and After Effects: the ability for plug-ins to expand their video frame is traditionally found only in compositing apps. Neither Final Cut Pro or Premiere Pro support this feature. An alternative solution for these apps is to apply effects to Compound Clips or Adjustment Layers, thus preventing a blur, glow, or similar effect from being clipped.
What next?
The update is free for existing users, available to anyone running FxFactory 8.0.22 and later.
Keep an eye on our YouTube channel for more tutorials.